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Projects and Events

Mask Project 

When COVID hit in March 2020, JOMM kicked into high gear by delivering "mask making kits" to over 1,000 households, where families spent hours making high quality, home-made masks. All of the materials were donated by Rebel Converting, and JOMM was one of the primary organizers of volunteers -- ultimately giving away countless masks to our non-profit partners serving the inner city.

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JOMM wanted to focus on a fundraiser that supported the 60,000 kids in Milwaukee that don’t know where their next meal is coming from. We featured a wide variety of content that was focused on how JOMM has positively affected the lives of many and what we do here on a day to day basis. We managed to raise over 100,000 dollars to help support the hungry children of Milwaukee. 

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A Bag and A Buck

JOMM helped feed the children, elderly, and the  poor during our 1 month "Bag and Buck" campaign. Our team gathered food and financial donations and distributed it to multiple families that were in need during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic. 

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Plunge for Hunger

We raised over 43,000 dollars in our "Plunge for Hunger" campaign. JOMM incentivized donors by having our team polar plung into the freezing Lake Michigan at the end of our campaign. 


Strike Out Hunger

Just One More Ministry showcased 16 partners in our charity bowling event. We had sponsors bowl and socialize with a charity while they bowled for dollars. We challenged our partners by matching our sponsors donations with how many pins each team could hit in an hour.  

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